17 Birds That Chirp at Night – Informative Guide

Is there anything more peaceful than birds chirping on a warm night? It’s an enchanting experience that brings us closer to nature and refreshes our minds. For centuries, people have been fascinated by the nocturnal birds that break the silence of the night with their melodic chirps. If you are captivated by these mysterious birds, look no further. Many birds that chirp at night do so to attract mates or to warn others of danger. Some birds that chirp at night are also known as nocturnal animals. Chirping is often a sign of happiness or contentment in birds and can be heard throughout the night.


Birds That Chirp at Night

Owls are mysterious and fascinating birds that have long been associated with the night. They have distinctive features and unique vocal abilities and are widely admired for their beauty. With large eyes and sharp talons, these nocturnal birds of prey make calls throughout the night that can be both eerie and soothing at the same time. Despite being known as silent hunters, owls can make an impressive variety of sounds ranging from soft chirps to piercing shrieks.

These impressive creatures use sound to communicate with each other and locate prey in their environment. By understanding their behavior, we can appreciate how amazing these birds that chirp at night genuinely are. Owls come in many sizes, shapes, and colors. While some have a distinct hooting sound, like the common barn owl or great horned owl, others make soft trilling noises that are hawk’sarder to detect in the darkness. Some species of owls can even mimic other animal sounds, such as a hawk’s call or a human whistle.

Northern Mockingbirds

Northern mockingbirds are a beloved bird species native to North America. These birds can be identified by their grey color, black spots, and white wing bars. They have an unmistakable call that many find calming—especially at night when songbirds are the only living creatures awake.

Mockingbirds are remarkable singers as they mimic other songbirds’ calls and create complex songs. Since these birds don’t migrate, they stay and sing throughout the winter months, when evenings are especially quiet. Aside from singing at night, northern mockingbirds also perch on rooftops during the day or forage for food in gardens or yards.

Eastern Whip-poor-wills

Eastern Whip-poor-wills are small, nocturnal songbirds that inhabit open woodlands and fields in the eastern United States and” parts of Canada. “These birds are well known for their loud, distinctive chirping calls that sound like “whip-poor-will” repeated repeatedly at night. Eastern Whip-poor-wills have a long history of being associated with summer nights. The birds often sing after sundown, when they become active and can be heard from dusk until dawn. Their loud chirping is usually one of the first sounds people hear during an evening outdoors.

The Eastern Whip-poor-will is a ground bird that feeds on insects such as moths, beetles, ants, and grasshoppers which it captures by flying low to the ground or hovering above the vegetation.

Common Poorwills

Common Poorwills are a species of small, nocturnal birds found in western North America. These birds have adapted to their environment and have developed behaviors that make them stand out from other birds. Not only do they provide a source of nighttime entertainment with their chirping songs, but these birds also play an important role in the local ecosystem.

These unique creatures typically sing during the night as they hunt for insects and other small prey on arid “grasslands and deserts. Their distinctive call is often described as “poor-will” or “poor-will-will-will,” which can be heard up to a mile away! The sound is intended to attract mates and defend territories against rival males. It has also been observed that sometimes multiple males join the chorus while singing at night.

Common Nighthawks

Nighttime can be a mysterious and often unsettling experience for many, filled with the unfamiliar sounds of nocturnal creatures. Common nighthawks are one such species of bird that contribute to the chorus of nighttime chirping. During their summer breeding season, these small birds fly in fields and near open areas across much of North America.

Common nighthawks have a unique appearance that stands out amongst other birds. They have long, slender wings and bodies, with white stripes on the sides of their chest and throat area. Their heads are usually dark grey or brown with a white spot between them; they also have large eyes, which help them see well at night while searching for food. The males also have a white patch on their tail feathers, part of courtship displays when attracting mates.

Yellow-breasted Chats

Birds That Chirp at Night

The yellow-breasted chat (Icteria virens) is a species of songbird that has captivated bird watchers across the United States.

At night, the yellow-breasted chat’s melodic voice creates an enchanting atmosphere. Its chirps are often heard during dusk when it emerges from its hiding places to sing until dawn. The male sings his distinct whistled phrases during the breeding season, lasting from April to October in southern Canada to northern Mexico. He also uses trills, rattles, chip notes, and cackles to communicate with other birds and potential mates.

Upland Sandpipers

Upland Sandpipers are one of the unique birds in North America. These small, grassland-dwelling birds are found in various habitats across the US and Canada, including fields, meadows, and even agricultural land. Not only do they have beautiful plumage with a distinctive striped pattern on their wings and back, but they also have a special trait that sets them apart from other birds: they chirp at night.

Common Loons

Common Loons, or Gavia immer, are a species of large waterfowl native to North America. These birds are typically seen near freshwater lakes and ponds but can also be found in rivers and estuaries. Common loons have a distinctive black-and-white checkered pattern on their neck, back, wings, and long pointed bills that help them div” for food. Due to their hunting call echoing across the night sky, they have become known as “Birds That Chirp at Night.”

Recognized by their unique black heads with white eyes that don’t blink and an extra short tail, these birds spend most of the year in Canada and the northern United States before migrating southward during winter.


Killdeers are small bird species that can often be heard chirping at night. These distinctive birds have a habit of singing late into the evening, making them easy to identify in the dark. Killdeers are relatively common throughout North America and prefer to live near open fields or grassy areas.

This species is commonly found foraging for food on the ground during the day, but they can also fly up to catch insects in midair. They typically lay eggs in shallow depressions near wetlands or shorelines, where they will establish a nest and raise their young.

Buff-collared Nightjars

Buff-collared Nightjars are a species of birds that are known for their unique call at night. These birds are found throughout the deserts and tropical regions of Central and South America, where they often make their homes in rocky outcroppings or hollow trees.

This tiny bird is greyish-brown with buff-colored collar markings on its throat.

The Buff-collared Nightjar is an integral part of the region’s ecosystem, providing food for largChuck-will’s-widows owls and snakes while controlling insect populations.


Chuck-will’s-widows are “chuck-will’s-widows” that sing in the dark of night. They have a unique call, described as a loud “chuck-will’s-widow” and often mistaken for an owl hooting. These birds are known to inhabit the eastern United States and Mexico, but they can also be found all over the Caribbean Islands. Although these nocturnal birds are rarely seen during the day, they make up for it with their beautiful chirping at night.

The purpose behind this nightly song is mainly to attract mates and sound out their territory. As dusk approaches, males will call out multiple times per minute in repeated phrases until sunrise. This high-frequency noise helps them stand out among other species and establish their presence in an area.

Black Rails

Black Rails are small, secretive birds that inhabit wetlands in North and South America. These birds are prized for their beauty and charm but also feared as they can be challenging to spot due to their elusive behavior. Black Rails often chirp loudly at night in the darkness, leading some people to call them “Night Chirpers.”

These small dark birds with white stripes along the sides of their body grow up to 6 inches long and have a wingspan of 10-13 inches. They mainly feed on insects, spiders, and other invertebrates found among marsh plants. Despite being hard to spot during the day due to their camouflage coloring, these nocturnal creatures can easily be heard calling out at night with loud raspy chirps echoing through the wetland habitats.

Black-Crowned Night Herons

Black-crowned night herons are a species of birds that can be found worldwide. They have black and white feathers, long legs, and distinctive yellow eyes. These birds are known for their loud chirps at night and ability to fly swiftly in search of food.

Black-crowned night herons are carnivores and feed primarily on aquatic insects, frogs, fish, crustaceans, and even small mammals. They typically hunt for food in shallow water during the day but use the cover of darkness to exploit unsuspecting prey.

As such, these birds can often be heard chirping loudly at night while they search for food.
The black-crowned night heron is an important species because it helps keep insect populations under control by feeding on them when necessary.

Hermit Thrushes

Hermit Thrushes are a small bird species found in deciduous forests and woodlands throughout North America. They are known for their beautiful, melodic chirping that often echoes through the night, creating a peaceful atmosphere for those who stay late to hear them.

The Hermit Thrush stands out from other species of birds due to its unique coloring. It has pale grey upper parts with rufous-brown tail feathers, while its underparts are slightly paler and more buff-colored. Its wings have blackish spots contrasting nicely against the white throat and breast area.

Northern Cardinals

Birds That Chirp at Night

Northern Cardinals are popular backyard birds known for their beautiful red feathers and cheerful chirps. Native to North America, these birds can be found in areas ranging from wooded backyards to city parks. While most people associate Northern Cardinals with the cardinals, many birds also sing at night.
For those lucky enough to hear the Northern Cardinal’s nighttime song, it is a low-pitched “cheer-up” call that can often be heard after sunset.

The male cardinal usually calls out numerous times at night and occasionally responds if another bird responds. Cardinals may sing through much of the night during the breeding season to attract potential mates and mark their territory. Although they are typically seen during daylight hours, a nighttime walk may lead one to encounter these beautiful creatures in all their glory!

American Robins

Birds That Chirp at Night

American Robins, members of the thrush family, are familiar with parks and backyards across America. Their bright orange breasts and don’t heads make them one of the most recognizable birds in the United States. But many people need to learn that American Robins can also be heard at night chirping away!
Though they are primarily active during the day, American Robins will sometime be there at night if they feel threatened or agitated. They have even been known to sing all night long if there’s a full moon out! While their songs may not be as loud or complex as those of other nighttime birds, such as owls, their distinctive call helps to create an unmistakable atmosphere in any area where they are present.
American Robins have become an integral part of American culture and wildlife.

Common Nightingales

Nightingales are one of the most well-known birds that can be found in many parts of the world. These small, brown, and white feathered creatures have been known since for their melodious singing voices, which make them a popular choice for those who appreciate nature’s music. They are also known for their nocturnal habits, making them one of the few birds that regularly chirp at night.

Common nightingales, scientifically classified as Luscinia megarhynchos, are found throughout Europe and Asia during winter and summer. Their diet consists mainly of insects. However, they can also eat berries when available. During the breeding season, they create nests close to the ground in thick shrubs or hedges near open fields or woodlands.


Is it normal to hear birds chirping at night?

Yes, it is normal to hear birds chirping at night. Some birds are active at night, depending on the climate and time of year. For example, in warmer climates, owls and whip-poor-wills can often be heard calling out in the evening. In spring and summer, many birds, such as robins and cardinals, will sing during the twilight hours before sunrise.

What are the things that chirp at night?

Several animals can be heard chirping at night. The most common is cricket, which makes a high-pitched chirping sound. Other insects that make noise at night include cicadas, katydids, and grasshoppers.
Birds are also known to chirp at night, particularly during the breeding season, when trying to attract mates or defend their territory.