Can Birds eat Strawberries? Best Guide

Strawberries are a delicious fruit that can be enjoyed by both humans and animals alike. Birds are one of the most common animals kept as pets, but can birds eat strawberries? Though the answer is more complex, this article will provide all the information you need about birds eating strawberries.

Can Birds Eat Strawberries?

Yes, birds eat strawberries. This beloved fruit contains vitamins and minerals that benefit many bird species. Strawberries can be consumed by pets and wild birds with no ill effects, making them a nutritious treat for feathered friends year-round.

When feeding strawberries to birds, it’s important to remember that these fruits are high in sugar, so moderation is key. Fresh or frozen strawberries should be cut into small pieces for pet birds before feeding since the seeds and stems may present choking hazards.

Wild birds also enjoy eating whole strawberries as part of their diet; however, they should not be given overly ripe or moldy ones, which could potentially cause digestive issues.

Are all Birds eat Strawberries?

All birds do not eat strawberries. Strawberry plants are grown for their sweet, edible fruits, but not all birds feed on them. Some birds that will generally eat strawberries include thrushes, robins, jays, and waxwings. Many other species of birds may occasionally feed on strawberries, too.

However, many more species, such as blackbirds and pigeons, will generally avoid eating strawberries from the plants. These species prefer feeding on insects or other invertebrates rather than directly eating the fruit.

Some bird species rarely venture into gardens where strawberry plants are present, so these birds would have very little interaction with this food source, even if they were inclined to consume it.

Can Birds eat strawberries

Why Birds Like Strawberries?

Birds have a love for strawberries that many people don’t realize. While it’s an unusual favorite, there are several reasons why birds enjoy this sweet fruit. The most obvious reason is the taste; the sweetness of the berry can be irresistible to some birds. Beyond flavor, however, other benefits draw birds to strawberries.

The nutritional value of strawberries may also be attractive to birds. The berries contain high levels of antioxidants and vitamin C, which help keep a bird healthy during the migration or when building nests in the springtime.

Their small size makes them easy to consume and digest quickly.

What Health Benefits Do Birds Get From Eating Strawberries?

They contain vitamins and minerals necessary for healthy growth and antioxidants to help protect against disease. Eating strawberries can provide birds with essential nutrients essential for their health, such as Omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, and dietary fiber.

The antioxidants found in strawberries have been linked to improved heart health and reduced human cancer risk. Research suggests that these same antioxidants may also help ward off bird diseases.

These compounds can reduce the damage caused by free radicals, which are molecules that cause oxidative stress linked to various illnesses like heart disease and cancer. Eating strawberries may also help boost the birds’ immune system since they contain Vitamin C and other immune-boosting compounds.

Can Pet Birds Eat Strawberries?

Yes, pet birds eat strawberries as part of a healthy diet. Strawberries benefit pet birds due to their high vitamin C content. This fruit also contains significant amounts of dietary fiber, which helps keep the bird’s digestive system moving correctly and prevents constipation. Furthermore, the antioxidants in strawberries help boost your pet’s immunity and fight off any potential illnesses.

When preparing strawberries for your pet bird, cleaning them thoroughly before giving them to the bird is essential. Additionally, ensure that you cut up the fruit into small pieces so it can be quickly eaten by smaller species of birds, such as finches or parakeets. It would help to avoid feeding your bird too much strawberry, which could lead to an upset stomach or other health issues.

Do Birds Eat Strawberry Leaves?

The answer is yes! Though it may not be their preferred food source, some birds will feed on strawberry leaves if other food sources are scarce or unavailable. These include blue jays, American robins, and cedar waxwings. Strawberry leaves provide a good source of vitamins and minerals for these birds, which helps them survive during the cold winter or when food sources are low.

Birds eat Strawberries

Can We Stop Birds From Eating Strawberries?

If you have strawberries in your garden, you know how quickly birds can swoop in and start snacking. While watching the birds enjoy a snack may be amusing, it can quickly become annoying when they overeat your crop. Fortunately, there are several ways to stop birds from eating strawberries.

Use Bird Netting

Bird netting is a lightweight plastic mesh explicitly made to keep birds away from plants and crops. It’s easy to install and can drape over rows of strawberry plants. You’ll also need stakes or poles to hold up the sides of the netting so that it doesn’t collapse onto the plants.

Once in place, the holes are small enough that birds won’t be able to get through them but large enough for air, light, and water to reach your strawberry plants without any problem.

Using Fake Painted Stones as Strawberries

Creating fake strawberries out of stones requires only a few simple materials and supplies.

All you need are some flat-faced river stones, paint, sealer, and twine or wire for stems.

Clean the stones with soap and water and let them dry before painting them with red acrylic paint.

Once they are dry, gently brush on a layer of sealer to protect them against fading or peeling due to weather exposure.

Finally, attach wire or twine at the top of each stone as stems for extra realism.

Use Reflective Materials to Scare Birds.

Reflective materials are one of the most effective techniques for keeping birds away from your garden. These materials scare off birds by reflecting light and creating an unnatural environment they do not want to enter.

You can purchase reflective tape or CDs at any home improvement store or online and then hang them around the perimeter of your garden. If you don’t want to buy anything, aluminum foil works just as well. Additionally, be sure to move these items around every few days so that they remain effective deterrents.

Using Fake Predators to Scare Birds

This bird control method scares hungry birds away with an artificial predator, such as a plastic owl or hawk. Place one of these fake predators near the strawberry patch, which will help frighten off any nosy birds that may come around. It is essential to move them around regularly so they remain unpredictable and, therefore, more realistic in their threat.

Using a Scarecrow

Using a scarecrow can be an effective solution to keep birds at bay. The sight of a scarecrow may seem intimidating enough to discourage the birds from approaching your berries. It is essential to ensure that the scarecrow is visible to maximize its effectiveness – make sure it stands at least five feet tall and is positioned directly in front of or above your strawberry patch.

Common Birds that Eat Strawberries

Strawberries are a favorite snack for many birds; many species feed on the delicious fruit. Whether you’re bird-watching in your backyard or at an exotic destination, knowing which birds to look out for can help you identify them more accessible. Here is a list of common birds that eat strawberries:

  • Parrots
  • Canaries
  • Baltimore
  • Blue jay
  • Blackbirds
  • Chickadee
  • Crows
  • Finches
  • Wrens
  • Mockingbirds


Birds eat strawberries and enjoy the sweet flavor and nutrition. While it is not a necessary part of their diet, many birds can benefit from incorporating strawberries into their meals. Offering fresh, organic strawberries to your backyard birds can provide them with vitamins and minerals while keeping them entertained. However, if you feed wild birds, remove uneaten strawberries after a few hours to avoid attracting unwanted pests.