Platform Feeders Appeal To Many Species of Wild Birds

Platform feeders are a great way to bring birds of all shapes and sizes into your garden or backyard. The open design of the platform feeder makes it easier for many species of wild birds to access the food within, making it an attractive option for bird lovers. Platform feeders come in various styles and sizes, so you can find one that matches your space and suits the needs of the birds you want to attract.

What are platform feeders?

Platform feeders are an increasingly popular bird feeder that appeals to birds and birdwatchers. They provide various birds with a comfortable, safe place to rest and eat their food without competing for space or resources with other species. Platform feeders can come in many shapes, sizes, and designs, including elevated trays, hanging pans, hoppers, window-mounted shelves, or tubes.

These types of feeders are beneficial for time-lapsed observations since they allow multiple birds to perch together at once and usually don’t require frequent cleanings like more common ground feeding stations do. Platform feeders can be filled with seed mixes designed specifically for wild birds and suet cakes or mealworms to attract different species of birds.

Platform Feeders

Styles of Platform Feeders

Platform feeders come in many different styles, each designed to accommodate a variety of bird species. Some popular platforms include hopper, tray, window and seed cakes.

Hopper-style platform feeders are ideal for attracting larger birds like cardinals and jays. They feature an enclosed container with a roof that shelters the food from rain or snow. The sides of the hopper have holes where birds can access the seeds or fruits inside without fear of predators. These large platforms are also great for accommodating multiple birds simultaneously, so you can enjoy watching them eat together!

What is the Best Seed Choice for a Platform Feeder?

There is no one-size-fits-all solution when choosing the right seed for your platform feeder. The best seed choice will depend on the type of birds you want to attract and what food they prefer.

Many different types of seeds can be used in platform feeders. Sunflower seeds are an all-time favourite among bird watchers since they attract various species, such as cardinals, finches, chickadees and more. Nyjer seed is ideal for attracting goldfinches, while safflower attracts doves and other ground feeders.

One of the primary benefits is its design. Hanging feeders can be hung from trees or poles in your garden or yard, making them easy to install and maintain. These feeders have wide perches so that multiple birds can enjoy their meals simultaneously. This design also helps keep bird seeds off the ground and prevent predators from accessing the food supply.

What are the Problems with Platform Feeders?

Platform feeders are a type of bird feeder that have become increasingly popular to attract birds to an outdoor area. However, many people don’t realize the potential drawbacks of using platform feeders. For one thing, these types of feeders can be dangerous for birds if not maintained properly. If the food in the tray becomes wet or mouldy, it can make birds sick and even lead to death. Platform feeders are often easy targets for larger predators, such as cats or raccoons, who may see them as a free meal.

Moreover, platform feeders tend to attract squirrels more than other bird feeders. This is because squirrels can access the large open tray much easier than they would with other types of feeder designs and can then eat up all the food quickly before any birds get there.

List of Birds Attracted to Platform Feeders

Platform feeders are an easy and convenient way to attract various wild birds to your property. With minimal effort, you can create an outdoor oasis that feathered friends will flock to. Here is a list of the most common birds attracted to platform feeders:

Cardinals are among the most popular backyard visitors who love eating from platform feeders. They’re especially attracted to sunflower seeds, millet, and safflower seed mixes. Cardinals also enjoy suet cakes, which give them plenty of energy for their long migrations during winter.

Blue Jays are another type of bird commonly seen at platform feeders. They don’t typically migrate in large numbers like other songbirds do, so they rely on supplemental food sources during winter months to survive cold climates.

Some of the others are:







Cedar Waxwings

Pine Siskin

Mourning Dove.





Most seed-eating birds

How do you make a platform feeder?

Making a platform feeder is an easy, inexpensive project that can provide hours of entertainment for you and your feathered friends. The necessary supplies are easy to come by and require minimal effort.

First, gather the necessary materials: a shallow pan or plate, bird seed, a short post (such as a wooden dowel), wire (optional) and suet. Place the pan on top of the post to create the platform feeder base. If desired, attach the pan securely with some wire. Fill the bottom of the pan with birdseed – enough to cover it lightly but not too much that it will spill out onto the ground below. If desired, place a piece of suet in the centre of the feeder, providing extra nutrition for birds. Finally, attach other desired accessories, such as feeding perches or trays for the nearby water bath area.


What type of feeder attracts the most birds?

A hopper feeder attracts larger seed-eating birds, such as cardinals and grosbeaks. A tube feeder attracts smaller, finch-like birds like goldfinches and siskins. Platform or tray feeders are great for ground-feeding birds like sparrows, doves, and juncos. Hummingbird feeders are designed to attract hummingbirds with their sweet nectar. Suet feeders are designed to attract insect-eating birds such as woodpeckers and nuthatches.

What is the best bird food for platform feeders?

Platform feeders are a great way to attract a variety of birds to your backyard, and the best bird food for platform feeders is a mix of seeds that appeal to different species. Sunflower seeds are popular, as they are high in fat and protein, and many birds enjoy them.