Maine is a birdwatcher’s paradise. With its rugged coastline, dense forests, and vast wetlands, Maine offers diverse habitats for birds to thrive in. From the majestic bald eagle to the charming black-capped chickadee, over 300 species of birds call Maine their home.
Maine is beautiful and diverse, home to various wildlife, including birds. With its thick forests, rocky coastlines, and abundant wetlands, Maine provides a habitat for different bird species. Maine birds are fascinating and important to its ecosystem, from the tiny Ruby-crowned Kinglets to the majestic Bald Eagles.
Maine Birds:
Maine is a bird-watching haven, boasting 26 species of birds native to the state. From raptors and waterfowl to songbirds and shorebirds, Maine offers bird enthusiasts an unmatched experience in observing these feathered creatures in their natural habitat. Whether you’re a seasoned birder or just starting, Maine’s diverse wildlife will mesmerize you.
Red Maine Birds:
In this type, we see the red birds in Maine in detail:
White-Winged Crossbill:
The White-Winged Crossbill bird is a rare and fascinating species that can be found in Maine. These birds have a unique crossed bill that allows them to extract seeds from conifer cones, their primary food source. They are known for their nomadic behavior and can often be seen moving in large flocks across the state.
Maine is an ideal habitat for White-Winged Crossbills due to the abundance of spruce and fir trees, which provide abundant food sources for these birds. During the winter months, they are known to migrate southward, but with climate change altering weather patterns, some populations have been observed staying in Maine year-round.
Birdwatchers flock to Maine yearly, hoping to glimpse this rare species. Their characteristic chirping calls echo through the forest as they search for food from tree to tree.
Scientific Name | Loxia Leucoptera |
Length | 6 – 6.7 in |
Weight | 0.8 – 0.9 oz |
Wingspan | 10.2 – 11 in |
Northern Cardinal:
Northern Cardinal Birds are a common Maine birds. These beautiful birds are among the state’s most popular bird species, with their bright red plumage and distinctive crested heads. They are known for their sweet songs and graceful flight patterns, which make them a delight to watch.
One of the reasons why Northern Cardinals are so beloved in Maine is that they are one of the few bird species that stay in the region throughout the year. Unlike many migratory birds, who fly south for the winter months, Northern Cardinals remain active and visible even during Maine’s coldest seasons. This makes them an essential part of the state’s ecosystem and a source of joy for birdwatchers throughout the year.
If you’re interested in seeing Northern Cardinal Birds up close, there are plenty of opportunities throughout Maine.
Scientific Name | CardinalisCardinalis |
Length | 8.3 – 9 in |
Weight | 1.5 – 1.7 oz |
Wingspan | 9.8 – 12.2 in |
Blue Birds in Maine:
In this type, we see the bluebirds in Maine in detail:
Black-Throated Blue Warbler:
The Black-Throated Blue Warbler is a stunning bird species in Maine’s dense forests. Their striking colors make them easy to spot amidst the greenery. The males have a deep blue coat with a black throat and white belly, while the females are grayish-blue with a pale belly. They are small songbirds that measure about 5 inches long.
During spring, Black-Throated Blue Warblers migrate from their wintering grounds in the Caribbean and South America to breed in Maine’s forested areas. These birds build their nests on or near the bottom using twigs, grasses, and pine needles. They lay up to five eggs that hatch within two weeks of incubation. Once hatched, both parents work together to feed their young until they fledge after about ten days.
Scientific Name | SetophagaCaerulescens |
Length | 4.3 – 5 in |
Weight | 0.3 – 0.4 oz |
Wingspan | 7.5 – 8 in |
Blue Jay:
Blue Jay Birds are a common sight in Maine, with their striking blue and white plumage catching the eye of locals and visitors alike. These birds belong to the corvid family, including ravens, crows, and magpies. Blue jays are known for loud calls and aggressive behavior when defending their territory or food sources.
Maine’s forests provide an ideal habitat for blue jays, which prefer wooded areas with plenty of trees for nesting and roosting. These birds are omnivores and feed on foods such as insects, berries, nuts, seeds, and even small animals like mice or frogs. They have a keen sense of sight that helps them locate potential prey from afar.
Scientific Name | CyanocittaCristata |
Length | 9.8 – 11.9 in |
Weight | 2.5 – 3.5 oz |
Wingspan | 13.4 – 17 in |
Green Birds in Maine:
In this type, we see the green birds in Maine in detail:
Tennessee warbler:
Tennessee warblers are small and active birds that are migratory. These beautiful birds can be found in Maine during their breeding season, usually between May and September. They have a distinct olive-green back with yellowish feathers on their underbelly and wings.
Their nesting habitats are usually found in dense coniferous forests, such as spruce or fir trees. Male Tennessee warblers often sing during breeding to attract females and defend their territory from other males. Females lay four to five eggs per clutch, which they incubate for about two weeks before hatching.
Despite their name, Tennessee warblers do not breed exclusively in Tennessee but across much of North America, including Canada and Alaska. They are one of the most widespread bird species in North America!
Scientific Name | LeiothlypisPeregrina |
Length | 4 – 5 in |
Weight | 0.3 oz |
Wingspan | 7.5 – 8 in |
Orange Birds in Maine:
In this type, we see the orange birds in Maine in detail:
American Robin:
American Robin Birds are common in Maine, especially during spring and summer. These birds belong to the thrush family and are known for their striking appearance, with bright orange-red breasts and grayish-brown backs.
The American Robin is not only an attractive bird but also a popular one among Maine watchers. These birds can be found throughout the state in various habitats such as woodlands, fields, gardens, parks, and even urban areas. Their melodious song can often be heard from dawn until dusk, adding to their charm.
If you’re lucky enough to spot an American Robin in Maine, there’s a good chance you’ll see them hopping along the ground while searching for food.
Scientific Name | TurdusMigratorius |
Length | 7.9 – 11 in |
Weight | 2.7 – 3 oz |
Wingspan | 12.2 – 15.8 in |
Yellow Birds in Maine:
In this type, we see the yellow birds in Maine in detail:
Cape May Warbler:
Maine is known for its stunning natural beauty, and one of the most remarkable sights to behold is the Cape May Warbler bird. This unique species of warbler is a sight with its intricate patterns and vibrant colors. The Cape May Warbler is a migratory species that spends summers in the boreal forests of Canada and winters in Central America.
In Maine, these birds are often spotted during migration as they stop over on their journey south. They can be found in various habitats, including coniferous forests, mixed woodlands, and even along coastal areas. Their preferred food sources include insects such as spruce budworms and caterpillars.
The Cape May Warbler’s distinctive appearance makes them a famous sighting for birdwatchers worldwide who flock to Maine yearly to catch a glimpse of this rare species.
Scientific Name | DendroicaTigrina |
Length | 4.7 – 5 in |
Weight | 0.4 – 0.5 oz |
Wingspan | 8 – 8.7 in |
American Goldfinch:
The American Goldfinch is a beautiful bird species in Maine’s fields and meadows during summer. These birds are known for their bright yellow plumage, black wings with white wing bars, and distinctive flight pattern. They are a favorite among birdwatchers due to their striking appearance and unique behavior.
During the breeding season, male goldfinches become more vibrant, with their yellow feathers becoming brighter and more intense. Female goldfinches also display beautiful coloring with light brown feathers accented by black bars on the wings. The American Goldfinch is a seed-eating bird that feeds on a thistle, sunflowers, and other plant seeds. They can be seen perched on seed heads while eating or in flight as they move between feeding sites.
Scientific Name | SpinusTristis |
Length | 4.3 – 5 in |
Weight | 0.4 – 0.7 oz |
Wingspan | 7.5 – 8.7 in |
Other Birds to Watch for in Maine:
In this category, we see different types of Maine birds:
Surf Scoter:
Maine’s rugged and rocky coastline is home to various seabirds, including the Surf Scoter. These striking black and white birds can often be seen diving for their prey in shallow offshore waters. So they are less well-known than some other species of waterfowl; Surf Scoters are a vital part of Maine’s rich maritime heritage.
Surf Scoters may only be familiar to a few people because they breed in remote areas of northern Canada and Alaska before migrating south to spend the winter along North America’s coasts. During the colder months, bird enthusiasts often spot these large ducks bobbing on the waves near shore. Their distinctive appearance makes them easy to identify: males have bold white patches on their foreheads that contrast with their dark plumage, while females have more muted coloring.
Scientific Name | MelanittaPerspicillata |
Length | 19 – 23.6 in |
Weight | 31.8 – 45.5 oz |
Wingspan | 30 – 30.3 in |
Northern Gannet:
Maine is a beautiful state with incredible biodiversity, and one of the fascinating animals found there is the Northern Gannet bird. These unique birds are known for their striking appearance, with white feathers and black wingtips. They can be found along Maine’s rocky coastlines during the breeding season.
During the breeding season, Northern Gannets nest in large colonies on cliffs or islands. The birds build nests from seaweed, grasses, and other materials gathered from their surroundings. Once they have chosen a mate, they will stay together for life and breed each year at the same colony.
The Northern Gannet is also an impressive hunter, diving into the ocean from heights up to 130 feet to catch fish. They can do this thanks to their streamlined bodies and muscular wings that allow them to soar through the air before plunging into the water.
Scientific Name | MorusBassanus |
Length | 36.5 – 43.3 in |
Weight | 87 – 127.3 oz |
Wingspan | 71 – 72.4 in |
Gyrfalcon Birds in Maine are a sight to behold. These majestic birds of prey are the largest falcon in the world and have become an iconic symbol for Maine’s rugged wilderness. With their striking white plumage, piercing eyes, and an impressive wingspan that can exceed four feet, it’s no wonder why bird enthusiasts flock to this state to catch a glimpse of them.
Maine is home to North America’s largest concentration of Gyrfalcons due to its ideal hunting grounds and nesting sites. During the winter months, these birds migrate from their arctic breeding grounds down south towards Maine, where they spend their time hunting small mammals such as rabbits and squirrels. Gyrfalcons are known to take down prey as large as hares or ducks!
Scientific Name | Falco Rusticolus |
Length | 19 – 25.2 in |
Weight | 28.2 – 72 oz |
Wingspan | 48.4 in |
Common Eider:
Maine is home to many bird species, but one of the fascinating ones is the Common Eider. These birds are a sight to behold with their unique features and behaviors. The Common Eider is one of the giant ducks in North America, and it can weigh up to 7 pounds. It has a distinctive appearance with its black and white plumage and a green patch on its neck.
The Common Eider’s habitat includes rocky coastlines, bays, lagoons, and estuaries along Maine’s coastline. The female lays around five eggs in a nest made of grasses and down feathers that she plucks from her breast. During the breeding season, males perform elaborate courtship displays that involve head-bobbing and wing-flapping. Once the chicks hatch, they immediately leave the nest and swim with their mother.
Scientific Name | SomateriaMollissima |
Length | 19.7 – 28 in |
Weight | 46 – 92.1 oz |
Wingspan | 37.4 – 38.6 in |
King Eider:
King Eider Birds are one of the most fascinating creatures you can see in Maine. These birds come from the Arctic and make their home along the coastlines of Maine during the winter months. King Eiders are a sight to behold with striking features such as their colorful beaks, bright orange feathers, and distinct head shape.
Maine is ideal for spotting these beautiful birds because its coastline stretches over 3,500 miles. Avid birdwatchers flock to places like Pemaquid Point and Acadia National Park, where they can glimpse this rare species. While King Eiders are known for their distinctive appearance, they also have an exciting courtship ritual where males perform elaborate displays to impress females.
Scientific Name | SomateriaSpectabilis |
Length | 28.5 – 25.1 in |
Weight | 42.3 -74 oz |
Wingspan | 37 in |
Snow Bunting:
Maine is cold and snowy, making it the perfect habitat for snow bunting birds. These beautiful creatures are small, sparrow-like birds that have adapted to living in harsh winter conditions. They are a famous sight for birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts who come to Maine to witness their beauty.
Snow buntings are named after their white plumage, which allows them to blend into the snow-covered landscape. During the breeding season, males will develop black feathers on their heads and backs, making them easy to identify. Females will often have brownish-gray feathers with streaks of white throughout their bodies. These birds can be found in open fields, marshes, and along coastlines, feeding on seeds and insects.
Despite being relatively common in Maine’s colder months, snow buntings still face threats from climate change and habitat loss.
Scientific Name | PlectrophenaxNivalis |
Length | 5.9 in |
Weight | 1- 1.6 oz |
Wingspan | 11.8 in |
Iceland Gull:
Iceland Gull birds are a beautiful and fascinating species found worldwide. In recent years, they have become increasingly common in Maine, drawing birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts from around the country to witness their unique beauty. These birds are easily recognizable by their pure white feathers, contrasting their dark eyes and beaks.
One of the most exciting things about Iceland Gulls is that they migrate from the Arctic during winter to warmer areas like Maine. They are a hardy species that can survive in harsh conditions, which makes them well-suited to life in this northeastern state. During migration season, these graceful birds can be seen soaring high above the rocky coastline or perched on ice floes floating along Maine’s many rivers.
Scientific Name | LarusGlaucoides |
Length | 19.7 – 23.6 in |
Weight | 29 – 38.8 oz |
Wingspan | 45.3 – 54 in |
Piping Plover:
Maine is home to one of North America’s most endangered bird species: the piping plover. This small, sparrow-sized bird with a distinctive black collar and bright orange legs breeds on sandy beaches along Maine’s coast. Unfortunately, human activity has put these birds at risk of extinction.
Piping plovers rely on undisturbed dunes for nesting and raising their chicks. However, coastal development, beach grooming activities, and increased recreational use of beaches have all contributed to habitat loss and disturbance for this species. As a result, the population of piping plovers has steadily declined over the past few decades.
To protect these beloved birds, conservationists in Maine have been working hard to preserve their habitat while educating the public about how they can help.
Scientific Name | CharadriusMelodus |
Length | 6.7 – 6 in |
Weight | 1.5 – 2.2 oz |
Wingspan | 14 – 15.25 in |
Atlantic Puffin:
Maine is home to one of the most beloved and fascinating bird species in the world: Atlantic Puffins. With their bright orange beaks, black and white feathers, and adorable waddling walk, these iconic seabirds are a true delight in their natural habitat. Maine’s coastal islands provide some of the best opportunities to see Atlantic Puffins up close.
Atlantic Puffins are known for their unique nesting habits, with each pair creating burrows in rocky cliff faces or under boulders on coastal islands. These caves can be profound, with some extending more than six feet into the earth. During the breeding season (May through August), visitors to Maine’s puffin colonies can witness these birds tending to their eggs and chicks inside their cozy burrows.
Scientific Name | FraterculaArctica |
Length | 10.2 – 11.4 in |
Weight | 11 – 19.4 oz |
Wingspan | 20.9 in |
American Crow:
The American Crow is a common sight in Maine, with their distinctive black feathers and sharp beaks. These birds are part of the Corvidae family, which includes ravens and jays. They can often be found scavenging for food along roadsides or perched on telephone poles.
Despite being a familiar sight, the American crow is acutely fascinating. They have been known to use tools to obtain food, such as using sticks to extract insects from crevices or shells. They are also brilliant birds and have been observed using teamwork to achieve a goal.
While some may view crows as pests due to their scavenging habits, they play an essential role in ecosystems by helping control insect populations and cleaning up carrion. These crows are considered symbols of intelligence and creativity in many cultures worldwide.
Scientific Name | FraterculaArctica |
Length | 15.8 – 21 in |
Weight | 11.2 – 22 oz |
Wingspan | 33.5 – 39.4 in |
The Razorbill is a lovely bird that can be found in the coastal regions of Maine. This bird species is known for its unique appearance, including black and white plumage, a thick bill, and a sleek body shape. These birds often fly low over the water in search of prey or nest on rocky cliffs along the coast.
Razorbills are social creatures that typically mate for life and raise their young together. They build their nests out of seaweed and other materials found along the shoreline. During the breeding season, they can be seen performing courtship displays where they bob their heads up and down while calling out to potential mates.
Despite being a common sight in Maine’s coastal waters, Razorbills face several threats to their population, including pollution, habitat loss, and climate change.
Scientific Name | AlcaTorda |
Length | 16.9 in |
Weight | 17.8 – 31.5 oz |
Wingspan | 24.8 – 26.8 in |
Snowy Owl:
The snowy owl is a majestic bird that has captured the hearts of many birdwatchers worldwide. Native to the Arctic tundras, seeing them south of their habitat is a rare sight. So, these birds can be spotted as far south as New England during certain winters. One of the states where they are commonly seen in Maine.
Maine’s rugged coastline and vast open spaces make it an ideal location for snowy owls who prefer wide-open areas for hunting their prey. These beautiful birds have adapted well to Maine’s harsh winters and are known to stay there from late fall until early spring before returning home to breed. Bird enthusiasts travel from all over the world to catch a glimpse of these elusive creatures.
While sightings may not be guaranteed, there are prime locations in Maine where you can increase your chances of spotting one.
Scientific Name | Bubo scandiacus |
Length | 20.5 – 28 in |
Weight | 56.4 – 104 oz |
Wingspan | 49.6 – 57 in |
Ruffed Grouse:
Ruffed Grouse, also known as partridge, is a famous game bird in Maine. These birds can be found throughout the state’s forests and woodlands, making them a favorite target for hunters during the fall hunting season. The Ruffed Grouse is much more than just a game bird. They play an essential role in Maine’s ecosystem and provide many benefits to the state.
The Grouse is considered an indicator species of forest health, meaning that their presence or absence can signal changes in the forest ecosystem. Healthy grouse populations indicate healthy forests with diverse plant and animal communities. They play an important role in seed dispersal by eating fruits and berries from various plants and spreading seeds throughout the forest.
Maine has a strong conservation effort to protect Ruffed Grouse populations while allowing for sustainable hunting practices.
Scientific Name | Bonasa umbellus |
Length | 15.8 – 19.7 in |
Weight | 16 – 26.5 oz |
Wingspan | 19.7 – 25.2 in |
Barnacle Goose:
Barnacle Goose is a species of waterfowl reaching Maine in recent years. These geese are known for their striking black-and-white appearance and distinctive white face and neck patch. They have become a sensation among bird watchers in the state, who flock to coastal areas to catch sight of these magnificent creatures.
The Barnacle Goose is believed to have first appeared in Maine around 2013 when a small flock was spotted near Mount Desert Island. Since then, sightings have become more frequent, with dozens of birds being seen yearly along the coast. Climate change may play a role in the increased presence of Barnacle Geese in Maine, as warming temperatures make it easier for them to survive in colder regions.
Scientific Name | BrantaLeucopsis |
Length | 22 – 28 in |
Weight | 43.2 – 78.4 oz |
Wingspan | 51 – 57 in |
Canada Jay:
The Canada Jay, also known as the gray jay or whiskey jack, is a bird native to the boreal forests of North America. Recently, sightings of these birds have been reported in Maine, much to the delight of birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts alike. Despite being a relatively common sight in Canada, it’s rare for these birds to venture south into Maine.
One reason for this may be due to climate change. As temperatures rise across North America, many species shift their ranges northward. They may follow suit by expanding its range further south than usual. Another possibility is that the birds explore new territories while searching for food and nesting sites.
Whatever the reason behind their presence in Maine may be, one thing is sure: spotting a Canada Jay is always exciting. These small but vocal birds are known for their curious nature and friendly demeanor toward humans.
Scientific Name | Perisoreus Canadensis |
Length | 9.8 – 11.5 in |
Weight | 2 – 3 oz |
Wingspan | 18 in |
Great Cormorant:
The Great Cormorant is a large, dark-water bird commonly found in Maine. With its distinctive hooked bill and webbed feet, the Great Cormorant is well-adapted to diving and swimming underwater. These birds are known for their remarkable ability to stay submerged for long periods as they hunt for fish.
During the breeding season, typically from April to June, Great Cormorants will pair up and establish nesting sites along rocky shorelines or on small islands in coastal areas. They lay 3-4 eggs at a time, and both parents take turns incubating them until they hatch about four weeks later. Once the chicks are born, they are fed regurgitated fish by their parents until they learn how to swim and dive independently.
Scientific Name | PhalacrocoraxCarbo |
Length | 33 – 35.4 in |
Weight | 91.7 – 130.5 oz |
Wingspan | 51.2 – 53 in |
Black-Capped Chickadee:
The Black-Capped Chickadee is a small, charismatic bird that calls Maine home. These little birds are much loved by locals and visitors alike for their friendly demeanor, bold markings, and cheerful calls. A year-round state resident, this species can be found in forests, parks, and even backyards across Maine.
Black-Capped Chickadees are known for their distinctive black cap and bib against a white face. They also have gray wings with white edging and a buff-colored belly. Despite their small size – they weigh only about as much as two pennies – these birds are energetic and acrobatic, often seen flitting from branch to branch or hanging upside-down while foraging for food.
One of the reasons why Black-Capped Chickadees are so beloved is because of their unique vocalizations.
Scientific Name | Poecile atricapillus |
Length | |
Weight | |
Wingspan |
• Scientific Name: PoecileAtricapillus
• Length: 4.7 – 6 in
• Weight: 0.3 – 0.5 oz
• Wingspan: 6.3 – 8.3 in
Herring Gull:
The Herring Gull is one of the most common seabirds found in Maine. These gulls have a distinctive white head, body, gray wings, and back. They are also known for their yellow beak, with a red spot near the tip. Herring Gulls can be found all along the coast of Maine, from rocky cliffs to sandy beaches.
These birds are opportunistic feeders who eat almost anything, including fish, shellfish, insects, and even garbage. They have become adept at scavenging in urban areas such as parking lots and dumpsters. Despite their adaptability to human presence, it is essential to refrain from feeding them as this can disrupt their natural feeding behaviors.
Scientific Name | Larus argentatus |
Length | 22.1 – 26 in |
Weight | 28.2 – 44 oz |
Wingspan | 54 – 57.5 in |
Final Thoughts about Maine Birds:
Maine is home to some of the world’s most beautiful and unique birds. From its diverse landscapes, coastal shores, wetlands, and forests, this state offers an incredible variety of bird life that can be easily explored and enjoyed with little effort. With over 400 species recorded in the form, there is something for everyone to enjoy. Maine’s birds are a diverse and vibrant part of our natural heritage, worthy of protection and appreciation.