Woodpeckers in Kentucky: 9 Amazing Species

Woodpeckers in Kentucky are a unique and exciting bird species. Over 20 species of Woodpecker have been recorded in the state, with some being much more common than others. The Red-headed Woodpecker is the most well-known species, and its bright red head can identify and white body. Other common types include the Hairy Woodpecker, Downy … Read more

20 Ducks in Tennessee (ID + Season Best Guide)

Tennessee is home to various wildlife, including numerous species of ducks. These ducks provide a unique ecological niche in the state and are an important part of the food chain. Ducks can be found in habitats ranging from wetlands to rivers and streams. They are commonly seen in urban areas such as parks, golf courses, … Read more

Ducks in Alaska: 20 Species

Alaska is home to various wildlife species and one of the fascinating creatures that call this state their home is Alaska ducks. These aquatic birds come in different shapes, sizes, and colors, but they all share a common trait- they are perfectly adapted to life in water. If you ever explore the lakes, rivers, or … Read more

Migratory Birds Flyways

Migratory birds have captivated bird watchers for centuries with their incredible displays of endurance and navigation during their annual journeys. Every year, millions of birds worldwide take to the skies to seek more favorable climates or breeding grounds. Along these lengthy travels, they use various routes known as flyways.  Flyways are pathways used by migratory … Read more

13 Species of Owls in Arizona (With Pictures)

Owls in Arizona are a sight to behold. Various owl species exist throughout Arizona’s varied habitats, from the Great Horned Owl to the Western Screech Owl. These nocturnal birds of prey use their keen eyesight and hearing to find their target even in the dark.  Arizona is home to at least fourteen species of owls, … Read more

28 Species of Missouri Birds

Missouri has various birds, from common backyard species to rare migratory visitors. One of the most iconic Missouri birds is the Eastern bluebird, with its bright blue plumage and cheerful song. These cavity-nesting birds are commonly found in open fields and meadows, hunting for insects and small invertebrates. Another bird that calls Missouri home is … Read more