Birds That Look Like Chickens-23 Fascinating Birds

Chickens are one of the most common domesticated birds in the world, but did you know that other bird species resemble them? These birds may not be as popular as chickens, but their unique features make them as interesting. This article introduces you to some birds that look like chickens. These birds have varying sizes, … Read more

Bird Sounds Like Water Drops? Brown Headed Cowbird

Have you ever been walking through a forest or park and heard the sound of water drops? But when you looked around, no rain or obvious water source was nearby. You may have heard the unique call of a bird known as the Olive-sided flycatcher. What Bird Sounds Like Water Drops? Brown Headed Cowbird The … Read more

Bird That Sounds Like a Raccoon – Helpful Guide!

Birds are known for their melodic songs and sweet chirping sounds. However, one bird stands out from the rest, the bird that sounds like a raccoon. Yes, you read it right. There is a variety of birds that imitate the sound of raccoons to communicate with their flock. These birds belong to the jays and … Read more

7 Birds That Look Like Turkeys | Bird Guide

Turkeys have long been a staple of American Thanksgiving tables and are easily recognized by their large size, distinctive plumage, and the famous “gobble” sound they make. Although turkeys may look unique, quite a few birds look surprisingly similar to them. From their size to their feathers and behaviour, some species of wild birds look … Read more