Attracting Backyard Birds( Best Guide)

Attracting Backyard Birds with birdhouses and baths is a great way to bring some life andcolour to your outdoor space. Not only will the birds provide hours of entertainment, but they willalso help keep your yard healthy by eating insects that can damage plants. Creating a hospitableenvironment for these feathered friends involves providing them with … Read more

Can Birds eat Strawberries? Best Guide

Strawberries are a delicious fruit that can be enjoyed by both humans and animals alike. Birds are one of the most common animals kept as pets, but can birds eat strawberries? Though the answer is more complex, this article will provide all the information you need about birds eating strawberries. Can Birds Eat Strawberries? Yes, … Read more

Migratory Birds Flyways

Migratory birds have captivated bird watchers for centuries with their incredible displays of endurance and navigation during their annual journeys. Every year, millions of birds worldwide take to the skies to seek more favorable climates or breeding grounds. Along these lengthy travels, they use various routes known as flyways.  Flyways are pathways used by migratory … Read more

Do Hummingbirds Sing? Everything You Need To Know!

Hummingbirds are some of the fascinating birds in the world due to their small size and ability to fly backward. You may wonder if these birds can do something else singing. Do hummingbirds sing? This question has been asked by many bird enthusiasts and researchers alike.While the tiny birds are known for their rapid wing … Read more

Can Birds Eat Beans? Interesting Facts

Can birds eat beans? This is a common question among bird owners or bird enthusiasts. The answer is yes; birds can eat beans. Beans are an excellent source of nutrients for birds, such as protein, fiber, and carbohydrates. Beans come in different varieties, such as kidney, black, and navy beans. It’s important to note that … Read more

13 Species of Owls in Arizona (With Pictures)

Owls in Arizona are a sight to behold. Various owl species exist throughout Arizona’s varied habitats, from the Great Horned Owl to the Western Screech Owl. These nocturnal birds of prey use their keen eyesight and hearing to find their target even in the dark.  Arizona is home to at least fourteen species of owls, … Read more